Alumni and Friends

Once a Bear, always a Bear

Stay in touch with your alma mater. Being involved has many rewards!

  • Connect with alumni in similar fields, positions and locations
  • Continue your favorite traditions
  • Add value to your degree by following academic developments in your field
  • Serve as a resource for current students
  • Leave your mark and define your legacy

Attend alumni events

Alumni events are held in cities throughout the United States and around the globe. These events are great opportunities for you to network, establish new relationships and reconnect with old friends in your area. Review the MarooNation's upcoming events to find an alumni gathering in an area near you.
Connect with other graduates and stay up-to-date on your alma mater's accomplishments through the Alumni Association.
Glass Hall atrium
Contribute in a way that fits your needs and helps shape the future of Missouri State. Your gift, no matter its size, supports our programs.