Department of Information Technology and Cybersecurity

Link tech with business

Help companies get the most from technology. Build the hard skills and business insight to keep networks and data secure.

Our AACSB-accredited programs will help you become a top job candidate for an emerging field.

All ITC majors are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) designated. 

Undergraduate programs

Instructor helping student read data

Data contains information; information can form business intelligence. Organizations use data to make important decisions. Data Analytics helps build the next generation decision making process and tools. 

Student working at computer station
Three Tracks: 
  • Application Development
  • Cybersecurity
  • IT Infrastructure
Student in computer lab
Certificates and minors
Bring computer and tech know-how to your current major.

Looking for an online degree?

You can complete these Information Technology and Cybersecurity programs 100% online:


Graduate programs

Graduate programs


Protect information and systems from threats. Give yourself a competitive edge in the job market. Qualify for senior management roles as a cybersecurity expert. Available fully online.

IT worker

Reach the next level as an IT guru. Manage, create, and apply high-level IT services for organizations. Grow your value on the job market and qualify for leadership roles. Available fully online and in-person for international students.

Student in class
Increase your career options with a specialized skill-set.
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